To Live and to Love

Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Deuteronomy 30:19-20.

Pancakes! November 30, 2011

Filed under: Cooking — mrsschrage @ 2:29 pm

It’s easy to get in the holiday spirit when your day starts with this little guy!



The Gobbler T November 23, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — mrsschrage @ 4:27 pm

It isn’t Gymboree, but it will do.

The shirt was made from a very old and faded t-shirt that was headed to Goodwill. The reverse appliqué was fun to do and instantly gratifying as the image emerged with the little snips. Never again though will I make the shirt from scratch. It was much too tedious to get the cap sleeves right only for the neck to stretch and feel bulky. I used what I had on hand but in retrospect I wish I had started with a purchased tee. The shirt in like a bright pink and the turkey out of a deeper brown would really make the appliqué pop. It is disappointing how dull it looks.

But nevertheless. I was determined for little S to look festive tomorrow!


Not Cinderella’s Slippers!

Filed under: Uncategorized — mrsschrage @ 12:53 am

Remember the orange sweater that was used for the pumpkin pillow?


It became a tunic for little S which after one wearing, I decided it looked awkward and the binding was unsatisfactory.


This week I cut it up and turned it into cozy slippers!

At first, the color and weird shape disgusted me but now, they have only been removed from my feet for bed. I might have to make another pair. Next time, the top must be doubled and reinforced as you can see where the big toe left it’s mark.

So it’s no secret. I’m on a major kick to see how many things I can do with a sweater! Next up: my first attempt at reverse appliqué!


Sweater Dress November 17, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — mrsschrage @ 4:30 pm

Here is a picture of my sweet girl wearing the dress/tunic I made for her this week. She received lots of compliments at Wednesday church!



It totally needs jeggings! I was inspired by this tutorial but with my own twists like French seams, raglan sleeves, and smaller neck shaping for a toddler. I have better pictures on my camera that I’ll post someday.

But isn’t she the cutest?


Recent Projects November 9, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — mrsschrage @ 4:00 pm

The biggest project of late is….Max!


When I haven’t been tied up with feeding and burping, I’ve made some time for other things. I’ve become a Pinterest junkie and it inspired me to make these awesome candy corn cookies and football whoopie pies (both if which were for a youth group party).

