To Live and to Love

Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Deuteronomy 30:19-20.

Small Fashion June 29, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — mrsschrage @ 10:02 am

We recently had a family wedding to attend, and by golly, my kids were going to look cute if it killed me (or them).

This is the dress I made Samantha. I wished after it was too late that I had made a fuller skirt. Not enough room for the poor girl to twirl!
This is a terrible picture, but it’s the only one I managed to get of both of them. This is the morning after. Yes, they slept in their outfits because I was NOT waking them to change into pjs! Ahhhh, parenthood.


Out of a Far Country June 4, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — mrsschrage @ 11:11 am

I was surprised by “Out of a Far Country.” After reading the synopsis, I was expecting a story that centered on Chinese family traditions and expectations. I was expecting to be bored by a cliche story of a young man trying to prove his American independence at the cost of family duty. I was wrong. Instead, I read a page turning intrigue of the power of God’s grace in a family. I literally could not put this book down. My dirty house can prove it.

This book was encouraging on many levels, but foremost was the testimony to the power of prayer. I forget to pray. I tell people I will pray for them and then I don’t. Angela Yuan, a mother, becomes a Christian and begins to pray and fast diligently for her son’s salvation and his redemption from the lifestyle of homosexuality. Her faithfulness is convicting. I do not pray for my children as I should, let alone pray like she did. Her prayers were answered in full and now her (husband and) son can testify to the power of prayer in amazing ways.

As the homosexuality issue continues to rage emotional battles, especially within the church, the second most encouraging testimony was the stand for sexual purity. Here is a man who has experienced many harms due to homosexuality: lies, temptation, illness, hurts… And afterwards, he still stands upright and stands for sexual purity outside of marriage.

I have recommended this book several times and have already loaned out my copy. I am glad I had the opportunity to be so encouraged by the ongoing work of God’s grace in peoples lives.

Disclaimer: I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review. Please enjoy! Read the first chapter here.


Fabric Basket April 20, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — mrsschrage @ 5:36 pm

I’ve been lazy since February but lately I’ve been itching for projects. Here’s one from this week: a fabric basket! I borrowed inspiration from something Brett Bara did on Design Sponge.

Originally it was for toys, but it suits yarn perfectly!



Recent Projects February 20, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — mrsschrage @ 2:31 pm

The last projects in time for Christmas (seriously, I finished them on the 24th!) were stockings. Max didn’t get one, but he’ll have one next year. I originally got the idea when I saw a contest on Prudent Baby. The one I entered was simply pathetic. I did it in a hurry and of course, I did not win. After I had some more time, I took it apart and came up with a design much more pleasing to me!

The Original

The Redo and His Friends

As winter has worn on (or rather not so much), decorating projects have been on my to do list. From art to curtains, I’m trying to make the place feel better around here.

This is my DIY Bird Art project. Bird silhouettes painted on old sheet music. Cheap Dollar General frames painted orange. It looks much better than my camera phone allows!


Crafting Christmas: Gingerbread Men December 3, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — mrsschrage @ 1:09 am

I saw some cute ornaments at Crate and Barrel last week that I knew I just had to hang on my tree. However, I couldn’t justify $5.90 for 2 felt gingerbread men merely blanket stitched together! (Cue the DIY lightbulb in my head!)

Here’s the Crate and Barrel version:


Here’s my version:


For about $0.50 for 4, they’re not too bad!

And on the tree…


The Gobbler T November 23, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — mrsschrage @ 4:27 pm

It isn’t Gymboree, but it will do.

The shirt was made from a very old and faded t-shirt that was headed to Goodwill. The reverse appliqué was fun to do and instantly gratifying as the image emerged with the little snips. Never again though will I make the shirt from scratch. It was much too tedious to get the cap sleeves right only for the neck to stretch and feel bulky. I used what I had on hand but in retrospect I wish I had started with a purchased tee. The shirt in like a bright pink and the turkey out of a deeper brown would really make the appliqué pop. It is disappointing how dull it looks.

But nevertheless. I was determined for little S to look festive tomorrow!


Not Cinderella’s Slippers!

Filed under: Uncategorized — mrsschrage @ 12:53 am

Remember the orange sweater that was used for the pumpkin pillow?


It became a tunic for little S which after one wearing, I decided it looked awkward and the binding was unsatisfactory.


This week I cut it up and turned it into cozy slippers!

At first, the color and weird shape disgusted me but now, they have only been removed from my feet for bed. I might have to make another pair. Next time, the top must be doubled and reinforced as you can see where the big toe left it’s mark.

So it’s no secret. I’m on a major kick to see how many things I can do with a sweater! Next up: my first attempt at reverse appliqué!


Sweater Dress November 17, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — mrsschrage @ 4:30 pm

Here is a picture of my sweet girl wearing the dress/tunic I made for her this week. She received lots of compliments at Wednesday church!



It totally needs jeggings! I was inspired by this tutorial but with my own twists like French seams, raglan sleeves, and smaller neck shaping for a toddler. I have better pictures on my camera that I’ll post someday.

But isn’t she the cutest?


Recent Projects November 9, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — mrsschrage @ 4:00 pm

The biggest project of late is….Max!


When I haven’t been tied up with feeding and burping, I’ve made some time for other things. I’ve become a Pinterest junkie and it inspired me to make these awesome candy corn cookies and football whoopie pies (both if which were for a youth group party).




Almost a Big Sister September 20, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — mrsschrage @ 2:14 pm

Starting Friday, Samantha will have to start setting the example as Big Sis. According to how I found her this morning in her crib, I am not certain she is up to the challenge. But now we know she has figured out zippers and clothing removal. Thank goodness for the cloth diaper or that would have been gone too!
